Optimize processes geared to a better customer experience

Assist in business efficiency and optimization based on consistent and up-to-date data

The hotel and tourism industry has endured many changes over the years. But nothing has transformed the sector as profoundly and dizzyingly as the digital revolution.

Its impact has reshaped the entire customer lifecycle, from search and booking, through the experience of their trip and stay, to their return home.


With the proliferation of accommodation search and reservation applications, the industry has increased its occupancy and reached out closer to the end customer, who today is much more empowered and demanding.

This wide variety of booking sites means that any company that offers accommodation, constantly receives the bookings made in these market places and incorporates them into its own internal reservation management system, a routine and obligatory work to divert from the customer service front to the back office.


Increasing competition from the industry drives companies in the field to focus on customer satisfaction and imposes on them the need to automate their processes in the pursuit of efficiency.


Using MasterBase®'s process automation platform, a creator has configured a solution that connects to Web Services from existing reservation applications, extracts data from the reservation and incorporates it into the internal reservation system of own of the hotel.

This way you can maximize customer service, while the automated process works in real time.

Interested in starting to automate your processes?

We are here to help you

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