Process more. Get more involved. Earn more.

Automate processes and reduce costs and risks, while improving the customer experience

While the financial sector has led process automation and its front and back-office tools are becoming faster and more reliable, it still needs to strike a greater balance between the two, therefore, in the eyes of the customer, the consistency in the provision of services is paramount. With automated processes, operations are simplified and accumulated pressure is relieved.


A major bank with sophisticated operations systems, it has realized that its executives and executives in wholesale investment sales channel spend forty-five percent of their time to perform routine but very important processes , to inform your customers of daily transactions and balances.


The bank faces the need to increase the time spent selling, without having to hire assistants to back offce of its sales executives.


With a MasterBase® account set up an automatic process, which once the transaction data and customer data have been entered, automatically generates a report of the day's operations in PDF and sends it to the customer.

Today, sales executives only enter trade data into a form specially designed for them, within the Bank's MasterBase® account.

Executives currently spend ten percent of their time on this activity, have increased their operations with clients and they are better and more timely informed.

Interested in starting to automate your processes?

We are here to help you

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