We help you relate the data and build individual profiles

Group your contacts through dynamic filters

Achieve better results by segmenting your base by applying a dynamic filter. You have the option to configure up to 10 conditions and an unlimited number of filters.


Create filters based on behaviors

It allows you to permanently segment any record of your contact base, without considering conditions in the fields or segmenting according to the behavior of your contacts in a particular shipment.

Identify the bounces and group them

If you can identify which contacts generated rebounds, you can identify who your mail is reaching and who is not; You can also detect the reason for the rebound and manage it to correct the problem, maximizing its deliverability rate.


Make a massive contact modification

In just a few clicks, edit the information in a field in bulk. This modification can be applied based on a static or dynamic filter.

Delete contacts based on different criteria

We give you the possibility of eliminating contacts from your base according to 3 different criter ia: by filter, by brands or according to rebounds. Keep, in addition, a detailed record of what you have deleted.



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